There are three units in the centre viz:
Training and services; Research; and Media/Communication units, all of which are linked to the various departments.
Training shall involve activities that span through the various departments and will usually involve basic trainings or training of trainers’ programme usually in the form of workshops e.g. includes: trainings on reproductive health, family planning and post abortion care; public health; medical emergencies including emergency obstetrics care and other life saving skills; continuing medical education for health practitioners including nurses and pharmacist in both the private and public sector; update trainings for dentist and dental assistants; health management; trainings on antenatal/postnatal care for health centre staff; and development of guideline for antenatal care and delivery; training on health management information system; food security and nutrition management, others include: trainings on court procedures and prosecution practices for health officers; trainings on sexual and reproductive rights; and bio-ethics; legislative advocacy training; intersectoral multidisciplinary training programme; man-power development; and research methodology including capacity building on data collation and analysis; training on toxicology of substances such as metal poisoning, pesticide poisoning, etc.
Services will include gap bridging essential care covering areas not ordinarily provided for in routine health services delivery point. For example, DNA testing for paternity; analysis of environmental samples such as water, food, beverages; and assessments of the impact of environmental hazards and hazardous chemicals.
This unit shall initiate and conduct research and services relevant to health and allied issues: This will include: Research studies related to reproductive health and right; consultancy services in reproductive health and other areas of public health; development of strategic plans for programme and institutions; development of clinical and dietary guidelines for the management of Non-communicable diseases; research on community health care financing; capacity building on health sector partnership; and to collaborate with other regional and international organizations towards better quality research.
The Centre shall have a library that harbors books on medical and allied subjects; facilities for literature search; documentation and other services. The library should also be electronic with access to online data base and medical information on CD ROM; the audio visual section shall be equipped to provide support services with respect to conferences, workshops, recording of sessions, and video services. There should also be printing and publishing section.